Picture this… a way to help us continue our Summer Vocational Camps in Oaxaca

Pilar Cabrera, Dave Millers Mexico, La Olla, Oaxaca, Casa de los Sabores

Chef Pilar Cabrera at one of our recent Vocational Camps in Oaxaca

As many of you know my foundation hosts a week of Vocational Camp each summer in Oaxaca. Here’s some pics if you want to take a look.

Last summer Chef Pilar Cabrera of La Olla Restaurant joined Chef Jose Lim of Callebaut Chocolate to teach Culinary Arts. Keith Conley, Director of Art at Nevada State College in Las Vegas teamed with Sam Valtierra of Mexico City to teach fine art. My friend Gaspar Chablé led a group of 13 kids through a week of agricultural training, sharing ways they could better feed their families.

And our very own Joe Ramirez of San Diego gave a week of photography classes to 12 kids wanting to learn all they could about taking pictures.

It has always been our hope that one day some of the kids who come to this camp would be able to get jobs because of what they have learned during their time with us.

Dave Millers Mexico Vocational Camp

Today and tomorrow we will sharing a couple of specific ways you can give to help continue to make this camp possible. Today our theme is photography.

We started this program about three years ago and in that time it has grown such that we now have waiting lines of people who want to come. And not just kids… adults are asking if they can come and learn too!

On the photography side, we started with just a few cameras, all completely different. We have learned that to be really effective, we need all of our students to have the same cameras. And that is where we need your help.

Dave Millers Mexico Vocational Camp Photography

These are the types of cameras we are using to get kids excited about photography!

We need 12 new cameras, instead of our hodgepodge selection of castoffs, hand me downs and yard sale finds. Each of those cameras is going to cost us about $130.00. So here is what we are asking.

Would you consider making a tax deductible donation of that $130.00 to my foundation, Adventures in Life, so we can get those camera we need?

You’ll be making a real difference in someone’s life this Christmas and, if you love Oaxaca like I do, helping give someone a chance at a better life in a place we both love.

So please consider it and if you can help, follow this link or click the PayPal button on the right.

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