What’s Cooking? Nothing, without a new oven for our Vocational Camps in Oaxaca

Roast turkey, cakes, pies, a 10 pound roast.

All delicious food options and all impossible to make without a quality oven.

Last summer we had our fourth Vocational Camp in Oaxaca and by far the most popular option is our Culinary Arts track. Each year, 12-15 kids from the indigenous mountains around Oaxaca get a chance to learn the skills of culinary magic from my foundation’s chef, Jose Lim, and some of the best chefs in Oaxaca. This is all done at our ranch south of Oaxaca City.

The kids learn everything from slicing and dicing to pastry and how to plate food. But we are in danger of hitting a wall in what we can do and it has to do with our oven, the one indispensable item in any kitchen.

The one we have is almost 20 years old, has a lazy door and is impossible to keep at a constant temperature. All of that spells doom for many of the meals, and desserts, we are trying to make.

My foundation can cover most of the costs of the kids getting to camp, feeding them and providing leadership. But we cannot afford a new oven to replace our dinosaur at this time. And that oven is a critical need.

liquid-propane-cooking-performance-group-60-cpgv-6b-24rg-s26-6-burner-gas-range-with-24-raised-griddle-broiler-and-two-26-1-2-standard-ovensSo we need your help.

Today I am asking you to consider making a substantial gift to my foundation so we can get the new oven we need. This will allow us to continue providing these types of experiences to kids in Oaxaca. After a lot of research, talking with Chef Jose and others, we’ve decided on a particular model.

The one we’ve chosen, because it comes with a second oven, will allow us to increase our production during our classes and continue to grow the opportunities we have for the kids. It also includes a 6 burner stove top, a grill and of course, a broiler. The only effective difference from what we currently have is the extra oven.

We can source the unit in Mexico, but the cost is $3000.00, almost 60,000 MXN [pesos].

We’ve spent all week sharing ways people can give to my 501(c)3 non profit this week. This is our last chance to share and by far the largest item we need before next summer.

Maybe you can personally help out. Or maybe you can pass this along to someone else who may be able to do so.

It’s $3000.00 to help us continue to give back to the people of Oaxaca. Will you join us?

Here’s your link to give!

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